Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Investigate George Bush, Not The NFL

Investigating high crimes and misdemeanors would seem like serious business with all of the serious charges and subsequent proof of them by our President. Instead of preserving our Constitution Arlen Specter is more focused on the NFL and in particular the New England Patriots for a "SpyGate" scandal. Why would he do this? Well when it comes to the old way of doing business in Washington, its all about the money.

From Attytood:

When Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter went more public last week with his increasingly strange and quixotic battle against the National Football League -- supposedly over the New England "Spygate" scandal -- some politically savvy wags raised an interesting point.

They noted that the longtime GOP stalwart's No. 2 source of campaign funds in recent years has been none other than employees of Comcast Corp. and their families, linked to at least $153,600 in donations going back to 1989. That's significant because Philadelphia-based Comcast has been engaged in a protracted war with the NFL over an issue that has nothing to do with New England and spying but is worth millions of dollars: Whether the cable giant can and should charge its consumers extra money to view the NFL Network.

Good find, but if you dig a little's even worse than that.

Look again at the list, and see who Specter's No. 1 source of campaign contributions has been -- by far. That would the law firm -- also based here in Philly but with a large D.C. presence -- of Blank Rome LLC, now a growing lobbying powerhouse. Since 1989, partner and employees and family members from Blank Rome have donated $358, 483 to Specter's political kitty, dwarfing all others.

Hmm, now isn't that interesting?

Really it isn't, it is more of the same by the corruptive influences in Washington. Why people like Arlen get the respect they do is dumbfounding. So what if he is a Senator, serving in office for many years and getting re-elected over and over again. The thing is, he is not serving his constituents, just the ones that fork over barrels of money for his campaign. We need more of the opposite, the ones that value principles over the ones that want to stay in office for the sake of staying in office.