Yeah, most people with common sense have known that from either witnessing or experiencing a blot of lightening connecting with a human being, but many in law enforcement have not caught on to this yet. Putting a few thousand volts into a taser and giving it to cops to use on citizens has resulted in hundreds of deaths in less than eight years.
From RawStory:
As the article points out, cops in Canada are starting to ban them. Yet down here in America more and more law enforcement are using the weapons and killing plenty of people with their so-called safe device. A new study shows how lethal these things can be.
They are marketed as non-lethal weapons that allow police to capture suspects or criminals without causing any permanent harm.
Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and businessman Bernard Kerik made millions selling the idea to police departments across the country.
But Tasers have killed more than 400 people since 2001, according to a new study commissioned by the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.
The study includes a medical analysis that concluded someone shot with a Taser could face as high as a 50 percent chance of cardiac arrest.Obviously that number is for people with heart problems, but no one walks around with their medical history stapled to their chest to warn cops of what may happen when they get taser-happy. Tasers may have had good intentions by preventing gun deaths, but they bring too many problems to the equation to be considered a safe alternative.