Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Charles Barkley Thwarts Blitzer's Attempt At Distorting Obama's Tax Plan

Wolf Blitzer had former NBA player Charles Barkley on his show today in an attempt to unfairly portray Barack Obama's tax plan. TP has the screen shot of what CNN put up on their show and apparently, you don't count if you make less than $161,000 dollars a year. Maybe their demographic reports show that their viewers are wealthy, but most Americans do not make that money, specifically 95% of us. Since Wolf would never invite someone on about this that makes the median salary, Charles Barkley showed up for the rest of us, despite being a multi-millionaire.

From ThinkProgress:

Using his deceptive chart, Blizter tried – but failed – to get Barkley to voice his opposition to an increase in taxes on the wealthiest Americans to pay for national priorities:

BLITZER: If Obama has his way, you would spend another $701,885 in taxes. $700,000 above and beyond – you pay a lot of taxes right now if you’re making millions of dollars a year as you are. How do you feel about that?

BARKLEY: Well, I think that if you’re rich — I thank God I’ve been very successful — if you’re rich, you’re always going to be rich. If we pay more in taxes, I got no problem with that. If you’re making that kind of money, a couple hundred thousand dollars here or there are not going to change your life.

Let’s be realistic. I’ve been very fortunate and blessed. I did a great job of saving my money. But I got no problem if I’m making that type of money, paying more in taxes to be honest with you.

Yeah, nice try Wolf. Although Charles didn't have a chart that showed his willingness to pay taxes, talking about the fact that the rich will always stay rich was plenty good. ThinkProgress did put up a chart showing the differences in the tax plans between the candidates for the rest of us, where those that make less than $112,000 get more from Obama than McCain. Around the median level, taxpayers save approximately $700 more than with John McSame McCain.

Oh and on a sidenote, I just watched Dennis Kucinich speak on stage at the DNC and he rocked the semi-full house, calling on America to wake up and reclaim our country from the wealthy few that have ignored the many.