Tuesday, June 03, 2008

'Primary Contests Are Decided In June'

Some of them may be decided in June, but Barack Obama rested the lead from Hillary Clinton in February and he hasn't looked back. Hillary is a strong candidate and frankly that is mostly the reason she's still in this. Tenacious is definitely an adjective for her and her campaign. Today however, is the last day for primary contests in this two thousand aught eight season as Montana and South Dakota put the final 31 of 3,397 pledged delegates on the board. Obama has been leading in that count by over 100 delegates for the last few months.

Tonight when the polls are closed, nearly everyone is expecting Senator Clinton to bow out and endorse Barack Obama, though her staffers say it may come later in the week. Hopefully that statement will come with her speech here in New York. The sooner we all wrap ourselves together for the sake of unity and to fight John McCain and everything he stands for, the better off we are in November. It is time to put down the animosity and stop acting like this.

I know many Clinton supporters are angry about sexism and how it played out in the race. Of course it did and it is sickening to see. I'd love to personally kick Chris Matthews' ass and the rest of the misogynists in the press. They do journalism a disservice like no other. However, do not think that racism has not played a factor here as well.

Racism is an ugly specter in this country and has been for over three hundred years since the first laws were passed codifying chattel slavery in Virginia. I believe that it isn't as visible because for the most part, racism likes to hide itself underneath the facade of our nation. I have heard there could be a possible McCainocrat movement afoot and that Clinton supporters won't vote for Barack Obama because of his skin color. To all those that feel that way, I'd just like to yank your hood off and talk about how you really feel, so that we can begin to tear down that ugliness that is your ignorance.