Wednesday, June 06, 2007

"Get A Life"

Are you a Republican that constantly worries about terrorism? When a truck hurtles down the street and rocks a manhole cover, do you scurry for a spot to keep you safe? Well the Mayor has some advice for you, "Get A Life." Paralyzing fear over events out of your control are ridiculous to worry over. Finding yourself watching Fox News for hours on end may be attributable to such conditions, as well as listening to George Bush for too long.


"There are lots of threats to you in the world. There's the threat of a heart attack for genetic reasons. You can't sit there and worry about everything. Get a life," he said.

That "What, me worry?" attitude pretty much sums up Bloomberg's advice to New Yorkers on the terror plot. As far as he was concerned, the professionals were on it, so New Yorkers shouldn't let it tax their brains.

"You have a much greater danger of being hit by lightning than being struck by a terrorist," he added.

Kudos to Mayor Bloomberg for the sound advice. Some people really need to chill when news stories such as the JFK "terror" plot make the news. In addition to relaxing and not worrying about imminent death caused by all the people that hate America, why not look deeper into the story and get yourself some good old-fashioned knowledge. George Bush may not approve of this, since he wants you to get all of your information from him and Fox News, but that is just too bad.

For instance, consider the hypothesis that the President and his buddies utilize fear of terrorism in order to gain popularity and continue the status quo of shredding the constitution and bleeding our treasury dry while our troops are senselessly killed. Does this sound outrageous? Not if you exercise a little common sense and become aware to what is going on with military contractors such as Halliburton, the NSA wiretapping scandal, and many other realities that our country sadly faces. So get on Google or your favorite search engine and start gathering information that you might not know about.