Saturday, June 09, 2007

George Washington Comes Back To Scold Bush On The War

Things are getting so bad in Iraq that our first President, George Washington had to come back and go on Meet The Press to chastise Bush on his handling on the war. Bush said he trusted his Generals, but many of them have opined only to have their ideas fall on the deaf ears of the White House. Well one of our very first Generals that helped win the Revolutionary War had to make an appearance to get the message through to President #43.

From The Onion:

WASHINGTON, DC—Breaking a 211-year media silence, retired Army Gen. George Washington appeared on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday to speak out against many aspects of the way the Iraq war has been waged.

Washington, whose appearance marked the first time the military leader and statesman had spoken publicly since his 1796 farewell address in Philadelphia, is the latest in a string of retired generals stepping forward to criticize the Iraq war.

"This entire military venture has been foolhardy and of ill design," said Washington, dressed in his customary breeches and frilly cravat. "The manifold mistakes committed by this president in Iraq carry grave consequences, and he who holds the position of commander in chief has the responsibility to right those wrongs."

I couldn't have said it better myself. Mr. Washington may want to make his next appearance in attire that is more befitting the 21st century, but showing up is good enough. If Bush won't listen to the American people of today, perhaps he's more willing to listen to one of the founding fathers.