Sunday, March 04, 2007

Romney Still Loves Kooky Coulter

Despite all of the candidates coming out to oppose Ann Coulter's anti-gay slur directed at Senator John Edwards, one of those guys still seemed to curry favor with the hate-filled mistress of the right. She said in her endorsement that she likes a guy who can easily trick liberals. Um, sorry Ann, we see right through his shit and yours. The guy will say whatever it takes to get the vote, whether it is swinging to the left up in Massachusetts or way over to the right for Ann and the rest of the wingnut brigade.

From Matt Browner Hamlin at HuffPost:

Earlier in his speech, Romney said, "I'm happy to learn that after I speak you're going to hear from Ann Coulter. That's a good thing. I think it's important to get the views of moderates." It is truly shameful that Romney thinks it's a good thing for Coulter to spew her bigotry at anyone, let alone a candidate for the presidency. Does Mitt Romney agree with Coulter's homophobia? Does he think there's something wrong with being gay, as Coulter clearly does? Romney values Coulter's support because, as Glenn Greenwald notes, "she reflects [the] true impulses" of the conservative movement." It is the same part of the conservative movement that is in attendance at CPAC every year and it is who Romney came to court and Coulter came to speak to.

Not surprisingly, Mitt Romney's campaign website printed only excerpts of his CPAC remarks. Praise for Ann Coulter isn't something that Romney would actually want the whole world to know about, only the select few true conservatives at CPAC. That didn't stop Romney from releasing the full text of his speech to, which they dutifully published. Surprisingly it was not scrubbed of Romney's praise for Coulter or his joking approval of her as a moderate.

See, when the national audience has it's eyes fixed for the moment on crazy Coulter, Romney will try and look tough against the vitriol of the blonde-headed beast. Yet when it is time to shine to the right, he will stick with her and all her glory.