Sure there are over 8 million residents in the five burroughs and nearly 20 million in the tri-state area. Although what type of resident are they? Do they fit the 'American' standard? What is the 'American' standard?
Leave it to the new Conservapedia to define NYC:
New York City (also Gotham, Sodom, Gomorrah, The Big Apple, Satan's Condom) is the headquarters of the elitist East Coast liberal empire [1] and the world's largest sustained experiment in secular humanism.There's plenty more in the article, it is extremely amusing in a very demented, right-wing manner. This part is the most egregious, "Most experts agree that the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, were God's punishment for over two centuries of New Yorkers' decadent sinning — though there is some minor debate about which sins, specifically, led to this smiting. (Believers in usury point to the financial nature of the World Trade Center's businesses, proponents of sodomy stress that the towers resembled two erect male sex organs, etc.)." These bastards have some nerve claiming this shit, it sounds a lot like the religious right declaring that New Orleans suffered Hurricane Katrina for their sins. The thing with these wingnuts is, they hold so much fear that they must have a moral reason for natural calamities. Message to whacko-land, get a grip!The city's population is often reported by the mainstream media to be as high as 8 million — but a rigorous count of actual Americans, using the methods of Adjusted Freedom Demography pioneered by Smorgensen in the Patriot Census of 2005 (i.e., excluding immigrants, Jews, ivory-tower communists, and nonrepresentational artists, and counting only three-fifths of descendants of African slaves, as originally intended by the Framers), reveals that New York City's population of legitimate Americans is actually only 312. (Smorgensen found Cheyenne, Wyo., to be the most populous city in America, with almost ten times as many pure Americans as New York.) [2]