Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Republicans Forget About Bush

President George Bush got his nine minutes yesterday at the RNC Convention in St. Paul yesterday, even though he was speaking from the confines of the White House. He got some applause, cheers when talking tough against Democrats and for McCain, then he was done and the delegates went back to other speakers. Those other speakers though, couldn't for the life of them remember that dude on the screen, because his name wasn't mentioned at all. Nope, not even once.

From ThinkProgress:

Not only did the speakers during last night’s Republican National Convention fail to discuss the economy at all, they never once mentioned President Bush. TPM Election Central searched the texts of the speeches and found no mention of the words “Bush” or “president” when connected to Bush. It also notes, “The GOP’s page of speeches, which included the orations of a bunch of unknowns, didn’t even bother including the speeches given by the president or Laura.”

Wow, not even Laura? Man, that is cold. Despite Republicans championing their way of doing things and blaming the Democratic party for everything under the sun, they conveniently forgot who they helped put in the White House for eight tiring, torturous, tenuous but certainly not tranquil years.