Thursday, September 04, 2008

Palin Puts On A Show, But Its All Smoke And Mirrors

Last night the Republican convention and those watching at home were given quite a large dose of what it means to be a conservative in 2008. All the surrogates hit Obama and tried really hard to sell Sarah Palin and John McCain to the voters. It was a valiant effort filled with lies and innuendo, but nothing did more to their third night than Sarah Palin herself. She really does sum things up for the GOP and what they have been reduced to.

The speech
was meant for Mitt Romney or Tim Pawlenty and you can hear where they made the changes (i.e. Alaska and Palin). For the most part though, the twenty minutes or so was filled with partisan hackery, blatant lies and a terrible disdain for people that try to make their communities a better place to live.

The lying without a care in the world as she read off that teleprompter was just as funny as it was sad. Some of things mentioned contradict the facts, including the top ten things you might not know about her. Of course, facts never got in the way of a good time at an RNC function. The thing that got to me, well OK two things was the repeated attack on community organizers and the blatant use of newborn Trig Palin as a political prop, I honestly lost count on how many times the cameras went to the cute little baby. Most likely because there was no way to show a diverse crowd like the cable news producers could at the DNC.

Finally, it was that lack of diversity that loved Palin's speech. It has been compared to a student-council rant that goes off on the big meanies across the stage. She threw huge chunks of red meat at the crowd, but no real reason that made it clear she was capable of being Vice-President or god forbid, the President of the United States. She was put there solely for political reasons and nothing more. Frankly, that is all the GOP cares about, pure politics. Leadership is merely a catchword, not something you actually embrace and use to guide the country. We've been flying blind for the last eight years, now it is time for someone to take our hand so we can soar again.