Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Rightwingers Come To The Aid Of Mercenary Rapists

There really is no low that the right wing can sink to in this country. They'll defend the indefensible as long as it is to the (perceived) benefit of the Republican party. Well winger extraordinaire Bob Owens steps up to meet the challenge that is Jamie Leigh Jones. She is suing KBR and Halliburton for covering up a gang rape that she endured two years ago. It seems that the Bush Administration was also helpful in keeping a lid on things. Now that the media has caught wind of it, mercenaries and the Justice Department is diving for cover. Now who will provide backup for these bastards?

Predictably, the 101st keyboardists are stepping up for duty:

Bob has a number of concerns, e.g. what actually happened to the rape kit, and wonders why an earlier sexual harassment case involving the victim isn’t getting more play. Of course that second point helps rather than hurts the argument that KBR has gender sensitivity problems, so three cheers to Bob for bringing it up.

He ends with this gem:

A third claim made in The Blotter is that in the wake of the alleged rape, Jones was, “…held in the shipping container for at least 24 hours without food or water by KBR…”

Shipping containers typically found in Iraq (and elsewhere) are either 20’ or 40’ steel and aluminum boxes with little to no ventilation. On the days Jones was confined by KBR (July 29-30, 2005), the mean average temperature was 100-degrees, with air temperatures over 110 degrees for 6 hours straight both afternoons. It seems implausible that a person would survive such conditions without adequate food and water.

As much as it pains me to truth-squad a great writer like Bob Owens, repurposed shipping containers (Container Housing Units, or CHUs) are a fairly common type of housing in Iraq. Indeed, one can’t help asking whatever happened to the proud citizen journalist corps of Graeme Frost fame. Has anybody photographed her countertops yet? Harassed an ex-boyfriend? The only thing to do is keep digging.

And this is only the first couple of know Bob, Michelle Malkin and the rest of that ilk will be looking for any kind of dirt to smear Jamie with. Who cares if she got raped, we have a country George Bush and friends to defend.