Thursday, December 13, 2007

Even A Broken Clock Is Right Twice A Day

Cal Thomas would be one political character that you would classify as being on the right. This evangelical Christian is a regular on Fox News and has a column in the Washington Times. His credentials as a bonafide social conservative are well known. That is what makes his article today somewhat curious and a downright correct assessment of what it takes to be Presidential. He actually cites the Constitution, while mocking evangelical requirements to approve candidates for office.

From The Washington Times:

This election should be more about competence and less about ideology, or even faith. It shouldn't matter where — or if — a candidate goes to church, but whether he (or she) can run the country well, according to the principles in which the voter believes. And, if those principles include a person of faith, so much the better. God can be the ultimate check and balance on earthly power.

If a car hits me, I care more about whether the ambulance driver knows the way to the nearest hospital and the skills of the emergency room doctor than where they stand with God. That's the attitude we should have toward those who desire to be president of the United States in a fallen world.

Bravo Cal! Though I do not expect much more of this "American tradition" stuff from Mr. Thomas in the near future. Despite this, he isn't one to set your watch to.