Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sen. Vitter Is In Flynt's Sights

Porn publisher extraordinaire Larry Flynt has it in for Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, and rightly so. Vitter proclaims to be a family values Republican when he is the farthest thing from it. Vitter fessed up to being associated with the DC Madam but denied dealing with prostitutes back at home in New Orleans. Despite his denials, the truth in his mind and from his words does not even come close to the reality of the situation. The hypocrisy of the matter is what keeps Flynt on the attack, to expose Vitter and other politicians who espouse one thing to the masses and do the opposite when the cameras are off.

From NOLA:

Adult magazine publisher Larry Flynt brought the prostitute who claims to have had an affair with U.S. Sen. David Vitter before the media on Tuesday and called on Vitter to resign the seat he won by campaigning on a platform of conservative values.

In her first public appearance since the allegations emerged, Wendy Yow Ellis told reporters that she used to meet Vitter for sex several times a week between July and November 1999, only months after he was elected to Congress.

Ellis said Vitter found her through an escort service and would meet her at an apartment at Dauphine and Dumaine streets in the French Quarter. At first, he knew her only by her stage name: Leah.

She said the assignations ended "abruptly" when she proposed escalating the relationship and divulged her real first name to Vitter. She shares that name with his wife, Wendy Baldwin Vitter.

The similar name thing is interesting, but looking at the entire situation is appalling. If Vitter had even a shred of decency in his bones, he would resign. Of course he doesn't so we must go down this path with Flynt leading the way. Vitter is going to whine and complain, but until he resigns, this is just one more scandal that keeps sprouting legs in the press. I am happy to let him continue, because whatever message machine the Republicans have left, this story, the Larry Craig fiasco and others will continue to erode the hopes of the GOP.