Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Bush Can't Cut It In The House

Like most things George Bush has set out to do in his life, this Presidency has fallen to pieces. Sure, he was successful in making a mockery of the United States and tearing apart the Constitution, as well as being hated by the majority of people on the planet....otherwise, he is a massive failure. The latest proof comes from his record in the Democratically controlled House of Representatives.

From Yahoo News:

President Bush’s success rating in the Democratic-controlled House has fallen this year to a half-century low, and he prevailed on only 14 percent of the 76 roll call votes on which he took a clear position.

The previous low for any president was in 1995, when Bill Clinton won just 26 percent of the time during the first year after Republicans took control of the House. If Bush’s score holds through the end of the year, he will have the lowest success rating in either chamber for any president since Congressional Quarterly began analyzing votes in 1953.

A study of House and Senate floor votes, compiled by CQ over the August recess, also showed that House Democrats have backed Bush’s legislative positions this year only 6 percent of the time, making for the strongest opposition from either party against a president in the 54 years CQ has kept score.

Based on what I learned in U.S. History classes, the only President worse than him was probably Andrew Johnson. Funny how Johnson and Clinton were impeached.....I'm looking for a trifecta here fellas. A conviction would be even better. Of course, I won't hold my breath for any type of chutzpah from the Democrats on this issue.