Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Deal With The Three Devils Falls Apart, Hooray!

The news out of Albany last night was sour for Malcolm Smith and the greedy Gang of Three, but really, is anyone else truly upset? Smith promised Kruger, Espada and Diaz the moon and the stars but outside of that backroom where the deal was made, it was never going to be accepted by the rest of the Democratic caucus. Now this week (and it's only Wednesday) everything is falling to pieces and we are expecting some sort of announcement today from the Gang that will probably denounce Smith and throw their support to Skel....nah, not yet at least. Though according to Diaz, we should be afraid, very, very afraid. Oh and he's mad, can you guess who his ire is directed at?

Teh gays!

The bulk of his displeasure was directed at the gay community ("They're jamming my phones"), the editorial pages that have panned the deal ("What else could they say about us that they haven't said at this point?") and, oddly, former Mayor Ed Koch.

Evidently, Diaz had just caught Koch's weekly appearance on NY1's "Wise Guys" segment during which he, according to Diaz, referred to the Gang of Three as "rats."

"The only rat is Ed Koch," Diaz exclaimed. "When he was mayor, nobody in our community wanted him. The only rat he had was this rate. Rev. Diaz. Now this rate is no good anymore."

"The gays are calling my office. They're jamming my phones. They're going to see what we can do. They've going to see exactly what we can do. Ed Koch is going to see what we can do. They're just going to see. That is what I'm telling you."

Oh noes! Not the gays! How dare they demand equal rights under the law! Oh and Ed Koch, and the newspapers, and the bloggers, and, and, and....oh, cry me a polluted East River. Diaz really needs to get a hold of a mirror, along with one for his friends Kruger and Espada. Too bad their greed is clouding their vision for that to work. But hey, if they want to go and back Skelos, that's fine, because in two years, the heavily Democratic districts they come from will be able to see what happened with crystal clear clarity.