Tuesday, November 04, 2008

NY Repubs Try To Trick Upstaters To Vote Obama And State Senate GOP

The Republican Party in New York aren't stupid, but they certainly think some upstate voters are dumb. In the hotly contested seat previously held by Republican Mary Lou Rath, the robocalls are getting very deceptive. The GOP knows New York is going a deep, dark blue for Obama, but State Senate races are a little murkier thanks to less media coverage. So what does the tricksters at the GOP do?

From The NY Daily News:

A Buffalo reader wrote in to say that residents in upstate SDs where there are competitive races are reporting receiving robocalls that urge them to vote for Barack Obama for president and also for the Republican candidate for Senate.

No recordings yet (send them if you've got 'em, please). But the script in the 61st SD, where Democrat "Baby" Joe Mesi is fighting Republican Michael Razenhofer for the seat of retiring GOP Sen. Mary Lou Rath is as follows:

"Tomorrow's election is critical for our future, I'm calling to ask you to go out and vote for Obama for president and Ranzenhofer for state Senate."

Similar calls were reported in the 58th SD, where Republican Dennis Delano is trying to oust Democratic Sen. Bill Stachowski.

So much for party loyalty with McCain, to the state GOP, it is all about holding on to the power they still have. Of course, they can't really do that with their record on the issues in the state, so they have to resort to a vain attempt that tries to fool Obama supporters into voting Republican.

How pathetic!