Sunday, November 02, 2008

Bush Administration Official Broke The Law For McCain

The Republicans are doing whatever they can to stay in power and breaking the law is no big deal in order to achieve those ends. We already know that the McCain/Palin campaign is going as nasty and negative as possible in order to smear Barack Obama and swing Independents to their side. Now with less than two days until election day, they are employing the Bush Administration to attack Obama with his aunt's status in the United States. Let us be clear, revealing this information is a crime and the Bush Administration knows it.

From TPM:

You may have noticed that the AP is reporting that Barack Obama's aunt (who he does not seem to have a relationship with) was denied asylum in the US four years ago and is now living illegally in Boston. Convenient timing, ain't it?

The real story, though, is down in the third paragraph of the AP story ...

Information about the deportation case was disclosed and confirmed by two separate sources, one of them a federal law enforcement official. The information they made available is known to officials in the federal government, but the AP could not establish whether anyone at a political level in the Bush administration or in the McCain campaign had been involved in its release.

That's about as transparent a red flag as an outfit like the AP is usually willing to give. And there you have it. Quite likely working in concert with the McCain campaign, a Bush administration official is leaking details on an immigration case to try to help McCain three days before the election. It's shades of Bush I's riffling through Bill Clinton's passport files just before the 1992 election in a desperate last minute gambit as they were swirling down the drain.

The always incredible and brilliant Dr. Cornel West was on Bill Maher on Friday night and he made a great point. That is we are experiencing the desperation of the conservative movement in all its vicious glory. All of these attacks are as ugly and spiteful as they can be in order for them to hold onto the control of the government. Fighting each and every one, especially by helping to get out the vote for Obama is the way we win this.

This is the most important election in a long time, if not the most important in the history of our nation. So get out there and use any free time you have for the next 52 to 54 hours and knock on doors, make phone calls and help your local Democratic campaign office. We are all sick of the way Republicans politicize government agencies for their own selfish means. A little hard work now will go a long way for the next four to eight years for our country. Get to it now!