Monday, October 06, 2008

John Dowd Forgets His And McCain's Personal History Of S&L Scandal

John McCain and Sarah Palin, like others before them, are unsuccessfully trying to tarnish Barack Obama with people he has made acquaintances with. In response, Obama's campaign is reminding America about John McCain's direct dealing in the last major financial scandal. While we are experiencing one of the worst economic climates in decades, it is appropriate to know that the last time taxpayers had to fix the problems created by wealthy Wall Street Execs. Seventeen years ago Charles Keating colluded with five Senators to buy into the system that is Washington. One of those five was John McCain. Now that people are paying attention to this, McCain's supporters are spinning the story on overdrive. Too bad for them, the truth isn't hard to figure out.

From The Washington Post:

In a conference call with reporters, attorney John Dowd was asked about a specific part of the Keating Five inquiry, the fact that Cindy McCain and her father had invested in a Keating strip mall.

"It was part of the inquiry, but it did not -- John was unconnected to that and unaware of it at the time, and did not participate in it," Dowd said.

But thanks to the quick research skills of Democratic partisans, here's John McCain's answer to an attorney who asked him about that very investment during the ethics committee hearings in 1991.

"Sometime in 1986, I was told by Mr. Delgado, who was Executive Vice President of my father-in-law's company, that they were going to invest in a shopping center and that the investment -- the project -- was being put together by a subsidiary of American Continental," McCain said. "He later told me that they -- that that had happened. And I had no interest in it and just noted in passing that this investment took place."

The attorney asking the question during the hearing? John Dowd.

Whoops! It looks like Mr. Dowd "forgot" about asking Senator McCain questions in front of the ethics committee investigations. Of course, there's nothing like a good YouTube video to jog the memories of those who lie to protect their favorite politicians. Care to revise your previous statement Mr. Dowd?