Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Republican Rep Politicized Russert's Death

Republican Congressman Darrell Issa showed us just how classless and tasteless he is yesterday from the House floor. Republicans are desperate to pass energy legislation that allows for drilling in wildlife preserves and off of our nation's coastline (the part that isn't be drilled now). When you have a hardcore addiction to oil companies and their campaign cash, obviously some will do and say anything to make their case, even if it disparages someone as honored as Tim Russert was and still is.

From RawStory (click for video):

“We’re going to miss Tim Russert when it comes to the people on both sides of the issue of why we have…$5 gasoline and $135 oil,” Issa said during his condolence speech. “I think Tim Russert would have been just the right guy to hold people accountable who would talk about the 68 million acres that are, quote, ‘inactive,’ while in fact, 41 million are under current lease and use, and are producing millions of barrels of oil and natural gas a day.”

He could have stopped at "both sides" and left politics out of it. Instead Issa decided to spit on his memory by using his name to hammer away about oil legislation. Legislation that will continue to fuel global warming and a hopeless cause to meet the growing demand that must be met with alternative energy like wind and solar power. Not surprisingly, this isn't the first time he has done a disservice to the dead, he recently had done so to the victims of September 11th.