Friday, August 17, 2007

Responding To "Some Idiot" At Fox News

Jon Stewart is one of my heroes. He tells the news as it is, with all the humor that it deserves. When people personally attack him like John Gibson did the other day, it rolls right off his back while he gets a quick, humorous jab in at the perpetrator. A response to Gibson did not have to be a big to do, like you would expect from Bill O'Reilly, who happens to be another idiot at Fox News.

From Media Matters:

On the August 15 edition of Comedy Central's The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart briefly mentioned comments that, as Media Matters for America has noted, John Gibson and his Fox News Radio show's executive producer made on August 10 and again on August 14, mocking Stewart's emotional on-air reaction after the 9-11 terror attacks as "phony." On The Daily Show, during an interview with Stephen F. Hayes, author of Cheney: The Untold Story of American's Most Powerful and Controversial Vice President, (HarperCollins, July 2007) about Hayes' characterization of Vice President Dick Cheney, Stewart said that "there's a real feeling in this country that your patriotism has been questioned by ... people in ... very high-level positions. Not fringe people." Stewart continued: "I myself had some idiot from Fox playing the tape of me after September 11th -- very upset. And them calling me a phony ... because, apparently, my grief didn't mean acquiescence."

Hayes responded: "Look ... I think we can agree that ... we shouldn't be questioning other people's patriotism. On the other hand, I think it's totally legitimate to talk about different ways of handling the war on terror."

Questioning the patriotism of those that disagree with the President is all wingnuts like John Gibson have. They do not rely on facts or common sense. Without those little essentials, all they can do is pull stunts like the cowardly attack against Stewart. Gibson is piece of work, but there is little work or thought that goes into his program. Anyone can act like a bully, it takes class to be on Jon Stewart's level.