Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Elitist Snobs Of The Working-Class

"Elitist snobs" and "working-class" generally do not go together in a sentence unless you pit one against the other. Though when it comes to Karl Rove and his pathetic attempt to bash Bush's critics (if 75 percent of the country doesn't like his presidency, quite a few of those will be working-class Americans), his only retort is that a small section of the population doesn't like Georgie. The so-called 'brilliant' Rove had a few idiotic things to say on the show hosted by fellow retard Rush Limbaugh.

From ThinkProgress:

In his interview with Rush Limbaugh this afternoon, Karl Rove claimed that the people criticizing Bush are “sort of elite, effete snobs who can’t hold a candle to this guy. What they don’t like about him is that he is common sense, that he is Middle America.” Limbaugh suggest that Bush critics are frustrated the the President “outsmarts ‘em.” Rove argued Bush is far more intelligent than people give him credit for, and is “one of the best-read people I’ve ever met” whose “passion is history.”

Um, I hate to tell you this Karl, but you are dead f'in wrong. Common sense is the farthest thing from the empty-headed Bush Jr. Being born to the actually elitist enclave in Kennebunkport, ME with gobs of family money is not "Middle America." Average Americans do not have a daddy that headed the CIA, was Vice-President and then President and now works for the war-hungry Carlyle Group.

It is Rove's statements that do not stand up to common sense or even contain a shred of truth.