Saturday, August 11, 2007

Republicans Are Aiding The Terrorists

What a devious strategy, blaming Democrats for helping terrorists while leaking state secrets. Something so devilish and unpatriotic, only a GoOPer could carry out. Well it isn't as bad as telling the enemy our secret locations, but Pete Hoekstra (R-Of course) disclosed classified intelligence information. It gets better, not only did he tell the press the budget for intelligence was being decreased, Pete hypocritically bashed others for leaking too much information to the media.

From The Blotter:

In an opinion article published in the New York Post Thursday, Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., reported the top-secret budget for human spying had decreased -- the type of detail normally kept under wraps for national security reasons.

"The 2008 Intelligence Authorization bill cut human-intelligence programs," Hoekstra wrote in the piece, in which he also criticized "leaks to the news media."

Formerly the chairman of the intelligence committee, Hoekstra is now its highest ranking Republican. In its recent budget authorizations, that committee kept from public view all figures and most discussion of spending on such classified items as human spying. Hoekstra's apparent slip was first noted on the liberal Web site, Raw Story.

You just got to love the hypocrisy, even when Pete shares classified information with the general public. Hey Congress, can we get an ethics investigation here?