Monday, August 20, 2007

LMFAO At Karl Rove

Oh Karl, how you make me laugh (and cry sometimes to because of your record of destroying our Constitution). The terrible attempt at dancing on the stage at the White House Correspondents Dinner was one thing, but the interview on Fox News (of all places) with Chris Wallace yesterday was just too much.

From RawStory:

"Why not appear under oath or at least allow a transcript?" asked Wallace.

"Because of the Constitution of the United States," replied Rove, citing the separation of powers and suggesting there would be a public outcry if either Congressional aides or Supreme Court clerks were called to testify by one of the other branches.

"The Constitution does not prevent you from speaking to me, so in fact I'll ask you some questions," responded Wallace. "Why did you push to fire some US Attorneys in the president's second term?"

"Nice try," Rove came back. "The president has prerogatives that stand up not only to Congress but also to you. ... What I advised the president is protected by that prerogative. Nice try, Chris." Rove then spelled out the doctrine of executive privilege, saying, "You don't understand you're being an agent of Congress when you ask me that question, but you are."

An agent of Congress? Caring about the Constitution? If I had more floor space here I'd be rolling on the ground with laughter. So I'll just chuckle and smirk instead. Karl cares as much about the Constitution as Hitler had fondness for the Jews. The "brain" pathetically tried to defend himself with executive privilege, but he forgets that the Congress represents the American people. Even though Wallace works at Fox News, I give him some credit for asking a tough question even if he couldn't get a good answer.

The thing is, Rove won't give him or Congress an answer because he knows he is guilty of oh so many crimes against our nation. He really isn't as bright as many people think he is, but there is enough intellect to know when not to fess up to your criminal conduct. Even a low-life like him can try to save his ass on national television.