Wednesday, August 22, 2007

McCain Could Be Kicked Out Of Office In 2010

McCain's Presidential goose is cooked for next year already, but that may just be the beginning of his troubles. The Senator had extreme difficulty finding support in his own state of Arizona and placed fourth in the AZ straw poll, Duncan (nobody) Hunter won that little contest. Now it seems that lack of enthusiasm is showing itself with the office he already holds.

From Political Wire:

In a hypothetical 2010 head-to-head race for Sen. John McCain's (R-AZ) seat, 47% of those polled would vote for Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano (D), 36% for the sitting Republican senator, and 17% were undecided, according to a new Behavioral Research Center poll.

Janet is well liked and already more than a year into her second term as Governor. The local GOP couldn't even field a decent candidate to run against her last year. She'll be a formidable challenger to McCain's incumbency. He has been considerably weakened since he began this second run at the White House. Janet can definitely be the woman to deal the knockout blow.