Friday, May 25, 2007

The Intolerant, Gay-Hating Mitt Romney

When you ask Mitt Romney if he is against gay rights, he'll tell you he is all for them. He even had gay people in his cabinet back when he was Governor of Massachusetts. Prior to that, in 1994 he claimed he was more of a friend to the gay community than Sen. Ted Kennedy. It sure sounds like Mitt would help to advance the causes of this mistreated minority...until you look at the other half of what he does and says. Mitt is a terminal flip-flopper and there is no reason to believe anything that comes out of his mouth.

From The Huffington Post:

"What you look for in a leader is someone who will welcome and treat with respect people who made different choices and have different beliefs in their lives and have differences. I have nothing but respect and feelings of tolerance for people with differences from myself and feel that way with regards to those who are gay," he said.

He noted that one of his Cabinet members was gay and that he appointed gays to positions of responsibility in his administration.

"I oppose discrimination against gay people," Romney said. "I am not anti-gay. I know there are some Republicans, or some people in the country who are looking for someone who is anti-gay and that's not me."

He said he is opposed to gay marriage because it's not in the best interest of children.

Oh I see, it is for the young ones' sake. Give me a break, the sexual orientation of a parent has nothing, I repeat nothing to do with how well they will do their job in raising a child. That right-wing talking point is as old and tired as counting how many times Mitt flips his position on any given issue. Why not just come out and say what you believe in that lovely little Republican heart of yours? Or do you have any principles at all besides winning over the audience that is in front of you at any given time?