Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bush Threatens Veto To Protect Oil Companies From Gouging Consumers

It isn't just about the war that the President opposes Democrats, he tries to stop the majority party from protecting consumers as well. The one thing many Americans need to get around is gasoline. Price fluctuations in the last few years have been devastating to average people that can barely afford $3 or more gas. So when the Democratic Congress wants to impose criminal penalties on oil executives that take advantage of regular people, Bush sides with the criminals.

From Dow Jones:

The vote comes as lawmakers weigh a number of measures in the face of soaring gasoline prices. The House ignored a veto threat Tuesday to overwhelmingly pass legislation that would allow the Justice Department to sue members of the 11-nation Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC, under U.S. antitrust laws.

Democrats defended the anti-gouging package, saying it provides safeguards aimed at protecting small businesses and taking account of supply disruptions created by natural disasters and other problems.

Republicans are "asking this congress to wait until a more perfect time ... to help the American consumer out," said Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill. "The American people are suffering right now and they are demanding this Congress take action right now. There can never be a more perfect time for this Congress to take action."

Of course I didn't expect anything different from the President. The only silver lining here is that at least we get the Republicans on record for supporting rich oil executives instead of their constituents who take the hit in the pocketbook. Now if Republicans were smart, they would support the Democratic bill so that we can override the President's veto....I won't be holding my breath.