Tuesday, April 17, 2007

You Have To Be Mature To See Progress In Iraq

Apparently all of us who are fighting to end the war (70 percent of the country) are merely childish in our thoughts when we see the never-ending violence in the news coming from Iraq. According to Brit Hume at Fox News, we really need to look at the big picture, whatever the Republican/neo-con spin is on that at the moment. I thought it was WMDs at first, then making America safe here by fighting there and now infused with a little bit of democracy-spreading over in the Middle East. The problem with Brit Hume is that he doesn't see the big picture, the thick wall in his mind only has a small, narrow window to look out onto the world.

In his words:

“I mean, people are citing the casualty figures. When you decide to fight — which is basically what’s happened here. We’ve decided to put the necessary troops into Baghdad to try to secure the capital in the hopes that that atmosphere created by doing that will allow political progress to go forward.

“There’s going to be more bloodshed when you do more fighting. And the enemy is not going to sit still and just take this. So the enemy is going to pull out all the stops.

“What we have is a situation where some people seem to be reading the newspapers every day, and if there’s a big episode it shows that the strategy is failing. That’s not a mature way to look at it. And we desperately need some people looking at this in a mature way right now.” (emphasis added)

What we desperately need right now is to get the hell out of Iraq. Reading the newspapers everyday is a good start for people trying to get a handle on what exactly is going on in that civil-war ravaged country. Again, it is not a military solution that we need, it is a diplomatic solution. The longer our troops stay there and get caught in the crossfire, the more we suffer and the people that live there as well.