Friday, April 27, 2007

Satan Has Come To Utah

Just as I had stopped applauding the students at BYU for standing up to Dick Cheney, Utah got another demerit in my book. The protests showed me that there was hope all across the country, even in the Beehive state. Leave it to another Utahan to put my views back into place. A GOP delegate in the state recently made the claim that the problem of illegal immigration is not of this world, it is from the underworld.

From The Salt Lake Tribune:

Larsen, who did not return a phone call or an e-mail seeking comment Thursday, is urging the closing of national borders to illegal immigrants to "prevent the destruction of the U.S. by stealth invasion."

"In order for Satan to establish his 'New World Order' and destroy the freedom of all people as predicted in the Scriptures, he must first
destroy the U.S.," his resolution states. "The mostly quiet and unspectacular invasion of illegal immigrants does not focus the attention of the nations the way open warfare does, but is all the more insidious for its stealth and innocuousness."

To be fair, most Republicans in the state are trying to distance themselves from Larsen as fast as they can. Yet the party will make a note to discuss his remarks at their annual meeting. Why? I have no idea. I guess if there a few bad apples on the Republican tree, you can definitely find one over in Utah. This Larsen needs to go, if he is a delegate, who supported that candidacy within the party? This hate has to come from somewhere so he cannot be alone in his views.