I am still pissed about the Nevada Democratic Party's move and justification to allow Fox News to corrupt one of our Presidential debates. Fox News continually gives us examples on why they are the most unbalanced news network of all time. Last night right-wing radio talk show host Neal Boortz went on HANNITY.....and Colmes to spout off his vitriolic views. His latest gripe was about teachers' unions. The unions that represent the men and women who have one of the most important jobs in the country and get paid a paltry sum for their contribution to society.
From Crooks and Liars (Links to the video provided here):
On Hannity and Colmes last night, Neal Boortz told an agreeable Sean Hannity that teachers unions are more dangerous to America than terrorists armed with nuclear weapons because a nuke could only wipe out 100,000 people but public schools are "destroying a generation."
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“Look, Al Qaeda, they could bring in a nuke into this country and kill 100,000 people with a well-placed nuke somewhere. Ok. We would recover from that. It would be a terrible tragedy, but the teachers unions in this country can destroy a generation.”
Imagine for a second if a "liberal" (read: non-reality-denying) guest had said this to Hannity instead:
“Look, Al Qaeda, they could bring in a nuke into this country and kill 100,000 people with a well-placed nuke somewhere. Ok. We would recover from that. It would be a terrible tragedy, but President Bush's war in Iraq is, according to the NIE, radicalizing a whole new generation of Islamists that will hate America for at least 40 years.”
Just another example of how Fox News reports the talking points of the right. The only way the viewer can decide to make a balanced, thoughtful opinion is to turn the noise off.