Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Espada Shows His Greediness To El Diario

As the State Legislature plays politics with our budget deficit up in Albany, certain Senators within the Democratic caucus are still playing games within the party. The Gang of Four became Three earlier when Monserrate endorsed Smith for Majority Leader, but Espada, Kruger and Diaz are hanging on to the "independence" gambit with all their might. Senator-Elect Espada gave an interview to El Diario published today that showed his ego in full effect.

From El Diario (Google-translated):

"I would vote for a Democrat as a Hispanic leader of the Senate," Espada said yesterday, elected senator last November, in an Editorial Board with EL DIARIO / LA PRENSA.

"Nobody has been postulated, so I said I would do," said Espada, who along with Senators Carl Kruger and Mr Ruben Diaz has mounted an unprecedented challenge against the recent Democratic leadership of the state and wants to see a Hispanic in that position for the first time in history.

Well isn't that great that he wants to choose one minority over another specifically because of being labeled as such. And of course, who else would be better for that job than Espada himself. Does Espada really think anyone thinks this is anything other than a pure power grab regardless of who it affects. So how will he win out over Smith?

Espada said he would have the necessary votes to become leader of the Senate if it supported a Republican, says that it has the votes of the two senators rebels.

Espada added that their struggle should not be seen as a matter of enmity with Smith or as an attempt to erode the African American leadership, but as a way to achieve fair representation for Hispanics.

This isn't about Hispanics or African Americans, it is about the greed of Mr. Espada and his recklessness of the Democratic agenda in the Senate. He could care less about relief for renters, a progressive agenda for dealing with the budget crisis, the repeal of the Rockefeller drug laws or any other issue that Malcolm Smith wants to address in the next session. No one buys Espada's crap about Hispanics, because he only cares about one Hispanic, himself.