Friday, July 18, 2008

McCain Doesn't Know What Party Obama Is In

McCain already said he doesn't know much about certain important issues concerning Americans. People are starting to understand that John is out of touch with the majority of citizens in this country and as the polls show, voters want change. Though I would think the Republican candidate might know what party his opponent was in, but obviously he doesn't.

From The Kansas City Star:

John McCain says Barack Obama was labeled as having the "most extreme" record in the Senate.

"Extreme? You really think hes an extremist? I mean, he's clearly a liberal," interviewer Dave Helling asks.

"That's his voting record," McCain responds. "All I said was his voting record, and that is more to the left than the announced Socialist in the United States Senate, Bernie Sanders of Vermont."

"Do you think hes a socialist, Barack Obama?" Helling asks.

McCain responds with a with a shrug, "I don't know."

That is not a good sign if McCain doesn't even know the political views of his opponent. Despite having disagreements, it is always best to know where the other guy is coming from. Then again, this is John "McSame" McCain we are talking about.

On another note, ThinkProgress took down the article, concerning the piece, but left the comments up at the behest of their lawyers.