Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fox News Analyst Infers Ben Franklin Was Un-American

When I think of Benjamin Franklin, the first thing that comes to mind is a man that hails from the age of reason and is an example of the very best of that time in our history. Battling religious zealots like Jonathan Edwards (of the early 18th century) with the power of his mind, industriousness and of course a spirit of public service... he knew that when one man and one society works for the common good, everyone does better. Benjamin Franklin is an American hero and a true patriot, not just an inventor, scientist and one that has his mug on the $100 bill.

Well Jonathan Hoenig of Fox Business Channel may love those $100 bills, he is certainly not a fan of Benjamin Franklin. In fact, he inferred that this founding father is un-American...and even tried to spin a quote of Thomas Jefferson to do it.

From RawStory:

Hoenig, a managing partner of the hedge fund Capitalistpig Asset Management LLC and the author of Greed is Good, given a platform on the Murdoch-owned channel Monday, considers it a terrible idea.

"It was Thomas Jefferson who once said that public service and private misery are inseparably linked," Hoenig told the hosts of Fox & Friends, referring to a letter in which Jefferson expressed a concern near the end of the Revolutionary War that 13 years of public service had left his private affairs in "great disorder."

"There is a belief now," Hoenig went on, "that individuals, especially young people, should essentially ... 'devote themselves' to something greater than themselves -- sacrifice their own wants, their own interests, to serve the common good, whatever they happen to believe it is at the time. To me, that's very un-American."

Hoenig thinks that as long as we work for ourselves and only for that purpose. He even claimed that soldiers go into battle to selfishly kill militant Islamists. This guy isn't only a winger, but a delusional, self-absorbed egomaniac. He makes his money off the backs of hard working Americans and nothing more.