Monday, June 30, 2008

McCain Proves He's Out Of Touch Again

Anyone that has paid close attention to John McCain, whether it be his campaign for Presidency or his legislative career, knows that his "maverick," "straight-talk express" facade is merely that. All that lies beneath is a standard-issue, hollow-shelled politician that has sold out to the corrupt system that is Washington, D.C. fused with corporate America. He is an out of touch elitist, who really doesn't give a damn about the average American, the average people he meets are rich corporate investors, bankers and especially large campaign contributors. And he proved it again this past week when he was asked about gas prices, an issue of central concern to a great majority of voters and all Americans.

From ThinkProgress:

In a telephone interview with the Orange County Register earlier this week, John McCain acknowledged he was unaware of the price of gas. The OC Register’s Martin Wicksol reports:

WICKSOL: When was the last time you pumped your own gas and how much did it cost?

MCCAIN: Oh, I don’t remember. Now there’s Secret Service protection. But I’ve done it for many, many years. I don’t recall and frankly, I don’t see how it matters.

I’ve had hundreds and hundreds of town hall meetings, many as short a time ago as yesterday. I communicate with the people and they communicate with me very effectively.

Oh Mr. McCain, it does matter. It matters a whole lot to those that pump the gas. Back when you had to do it yourself, it probably cost less than a dollar to get a gallon out of the pump. Now those that fill their cars are shelling out close to $5 a gallon and will be doing much more than that. Your gas tax holiday and flip-flop on drilling our coasts are gimmicks that do nothing for our energy crisis.

I can tell you from personal experience of being in NYC and not having a car, to going out to Connecticut last weekend and filling up for a drive was shocking. And it wasn't like I was ignorant of those rising prices either. Watching the digital wheels spin as the gas guzzled into the car is much more powerful and real than any spreadsheet your aides can show you.