Monday, February 11, 2008

The More He Talks, The Scarier He Gets

I often remark that one of the most fascinating things about Mike Huckabee is his "likability." When he went on The Colbert Report last time and played air hockey with Stephen using the State of Texas as a puck, that was really funny. Now if that was the only thing you knew about this former Governor of Arkansas you might even be impressed. The problem is his views, for instance dismissing evolution. The big problem is that that is only the tip of the iceberg. Check out what he had to say at Liberty University this weekend.

From CBS News:

“Frankly, we really don’t need a lot of law if we are people of morality,” he said to the congregation of over 7,000. “There are only ten basic laws that we need. If you think about it, the Ten Commandments cover it all.”

“The reason law gets more complicated is because we try to figure out clever ways around those ten,” he said to applause.

Huckabee cautioned that a lack of moral clarity would result in “paying for more and more government to overwhelm us with direction when our own personal freedom and conscience does not.”

That might have worked back in Moses' day, but even the Code of Hammurabi had more legislation than that. It isn't even the 'morality' part that is the worst thing, the scariest part of the Huckabee campaign is that it promises to turn our democracy into a Christian theocracy, kinda like Iran but with Jesus at the top instead of Mohammed.

“I hope you know Jesus Christ personally…because the level to which he rules you and governs you, you need less and less of man’s law to tell you how to live and that is what our Founding Fathers understood and we must understand.”

I'm sorry to tell you that those are his words verbatim. And for all of you Jews, Muslims, Hindis, Buddhists, Atheists, Agnostics, Wiccans etc.....we're all screwed.