Monday, February 11, 2008

Clinton's Firewall Is Fast Approaching

All the pundits and experts, even those that support Hillary, are claiming that while Barack is winning states left and right, the crucial battles are in Ohio, Texas and Pennsylvania (as if the rest of them didn't count). Basically Hillary is setting herself up a firewall in these states and if you remember the last candidate to do that....he just happened to be from New York as well. Well that strategy didn't work on the GOP side and it isn't flying with the super-delegates who have previously indicated support for her either.

From The New York Times:

“She has to win both Ohio and Texas comfortably, or she’s out,” said one superdelegate who has endorsed Mrs. Clinton, and who spoke on condition of anonymity to share a candid assessment. “The campaign is starting to come to terms with that.” Campaign advisers, also speaking privately in order to speak plainly, confirmed this view.

Several Clinton superdelegates, whose votes could help decide the nomination, said Monday that they were wavering in the face of Mr. Obama’s momentum after victories in Washington State, Nebraska, Louisiana and Maine last weekend.

Some said that they, like the hundreds of uncommitted superdelegates still at stake, might ultimately “go with the flow,” in the words of one, and support the candidate who appears to show the most strength in the primaries to come.

The endorsements are flowing into the Obama campaign and the trepidation is building up on Clinton's end of the street. March 4th is a while away in the world of electioneering. Five states will vote before then and all will play significantly into the health of the respective campaigns. Hillary can try to dismiss the outcomes of Virginia, Maryland, D.C., Hawaii and Wisconsin.......but the super-delegates and more importantly the whole of the party will not.