Now I highly doubt that I will get myself on the Fox News channel anytime soon, but if I did I would know what to say. Perhaps not the exact same thing as Roy Sekoff of the Huffington Post, but along similar lines. He was invited to talk about O'Reilly's scuffle with an Obama staffer this weekend and things got out of hand for the pretty face news anchor.
From Crooks and Liars:
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By now many of you have heard about Bill O’Reilly’s meltdown at a Barack Obama event in New Hampshire Saturday and on Sunday, The Huffington Post’s Roy Sekoff went on FOXNews to discuss the blogs’ coverage of the primaries — as the topic turned to BillO, Sekoff gave a textbook example of how all liberals should act when on they appear on FOX. Brilliant!
Sekoff: “…and I give him (O’Reilly) credit, cause he didn’t hit him with a loofah or a falafel.
MacCallum: “Alllllright!”
Sekoff: “Oh yeah. You know, Martha, maybe the thing was that he was surprised that when he showed up at an Obama event, it was just like any other event and no one was yelling for their iced tea.”
Since Fox News is a joke, why not make some of your own while on the network?