Thursday, January 10, 2008

Glenn Beck Gets It Up The Ass In More Ways Than One

After Glenn Beck posted that slightly disturbing video of himself last week on YouTube, he finally gave us the full story about his terrible ordeal at the hospital. Glenn had to have hemorrhoid surgery, removing what must be an extremely painful piece from where we most often confuse for his mouth. He said his doctors were initially great, but complications from the medications helped to show him and his wife Tania the callousness of our nation's Emergency Rooms.

From ABC News:

"When we got to the ER there was such a lack of compassion. I've never seen anything like it," Beck said. "

Tania carried her husband and held him up as they waited for help, Beck said. Two nurses briefly came out and spoke to the couple. Then an exacerbated triage nurse greeted the two, Beck added.

"He never even made eye contact with me," Beck said.

Finally another nurse, who noticed Tania carrying her spouse, rushed to the couple and asked them whether they needed help.

While my heart goes out to them for seeing that life in the ER isn't the same as on NBC's show. For the longest time this conservative commentator would mock and lambast anyone that talked ill of the nation's health care system. Being Glenn Beck, he always did it in the most annoying fashion (probably why hardly anyone watches the show in the first place). Now that he is making some headlines over this, perhaps he has learned that things aren't going as well as his neo-con buddies says it is. Time will tell, but I'd still rather CNN pull his ass (no pun intended) off the air before having to find out.

Oh and by the way, I hope that diaper comes off soon ;-)