Tuesday, January 29, 2008

There Are Republicans In Brooklyn?!?

Sorry to offend the 123,932 registered Republicans that live in Kings County (yes I looked it up on a pdf file) but it is still amusing to hear that some of them will be meeting tonight to figure out who to endorse when Rudy drops out tomorrow. What will these diehard GoOPers talk about? Do they go with Mittens or McCain, or maybe just endorse a McCain/Mittens ticket?

From The Daily News:

The polls aren't even closed yet in Florida, but Brooklyn Republican Chairman Craig Eaton is wasting no time in making plans for the future.

Eaton, who along with most of the state's GOP leaders, enthusiastically endorsed Rudy Giuliani last spring, has called a meeting of his county leaders for tonight at 9 p.m. to discuss a "contingency plan" in the event that the former mayor, as has been widely speculated, drops out of the race in the coming days.

"I want to be ready," Eaton said, unapologetically. "As a Republican leader, I have an obligation that our committee is ready to support the candidate won is going to run and win."

Eaton said he has no intention of jumping the gun and dumping Giuliani before he officially pulls the trigger himself. But noted that it could take weeks to get his leaders together in time to endorse a replacement candidate (most likely John McCain, he said), and he wants to make sure "every hour, every minute, every day I have" goes toward working on behalf of the likely GOP nominee.

Most of Eatons' leaders are gathering tonight at Laiyuen, an upscale Chinese restaurant in Brooklyn, to watch the Florida returns come in, so it made sense to him to hold a meeting after the Sunshine State victor is declared.

Mmmm, Chinese food. I'll take some spicy beef and shrimp lo mein with that Giuliani loss, thanks.

Well the wolf in Craig Eaton is certainly not wasting anytime with that carcass of a campaign. If he took some consideration a few months back before supporting him then this wouldn't be a problem. Then again, there really is no good pick to make in the GOP field. They're screwed any way they go. It should be interesting to see how many of the 123,932 actually come out to vote at all next Tuesday.