Wednesday, December 26, 2007

What Did Rudy Get For Christmas

Now that all the presents are opened, it is time for all the kids to compare what they got from Mom, Dad and Uncle Joe. For me, comparison time was three weeks ago during Chanukah....and add ten to twenty years on to that when I had that mentality. Of course, Rudy can act like an angry (yet scarily powerful) five year old child.

This photo from Indecision 2008 is almost too good to be true. They are asking people to fill in the blank for the caption to this photo.

I'm thinking Rudy got some sort of mind-scrambler, or perhaps a device to rig votes in New Hampshire and Florida. He knows he needs a miracle to win and gain momentum for the primary calendar, so he will have to pull a huge rabbit out of the hat to convince (or force) the masses to vote for him.