Saturday, December 29, 2007

Bush Hates Kids...Now With Disabilities

We already know he doesn't like children to have health care when their parents can't afford it. Despite a lot of pomp and a little fighting from the Democrats in Congress, they eventually bent over for the American people to take Bush's evildoing up the you know where. Now Bush has decided to save a little bit of money for the government (to pay for war evidently) and strip schools of their reimbursements to transport children with disabilities.

From The Washington Post:

WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration issued a new rule Friday that eliminates Medicaid reimbursement for certain transportation and administrative tasks undertaken by schools on behalf of students with disabilities.

A wide range of medical services are furnished to students in schools. Speech and physical therapy are typical examples. Medicaid, the government's health insurance program for the poor, helps pay for those activities for low-income children. It will continue to pay. However, the new rule will restrict when schools can bill the federal government for clerical duties associated with providing health care.

For example, schools can no longer expect Medicaid reimbursement for the planning of student immunizations. Schools also won't get paid for transporting students getting speech or physical therapy to school or back home.

So the savings come to a grand total of $3.6 billion, while the war in Iraq costs that much in about a week or so. Whenever you hear about priorities of the Republicans in office and especially of the President, just remember what matters most to them.