Maybe the writers at the paper of record do not know the Senator that can be reached via the Metro-North. Since Chris Dodd is in Washington and on the campaign trail to run for President, he is a hard man to reach. The journalists at the Times might want to know that this Senator from Connecticut has been busy in the Senate, leading a two man show that will stop the Congress from giving telco companies retroactive immunity from their crimes against the Constitution.
Corrente Wire has more:
Dodd, alone among the Democrats, stands up to a Bipartisanjuggernaut to grant the telcos retroactive immunity for massive lawbreaking—a story the Times itself broke—by saying he’ll put a hold on the bill. Reid, the Senate [cough] leader, says he’ll ignore the hold. Dodd raises the ante, says he’ll [gasp] filibuster. Biden joins in. Hillary and Obama waver on the sidelines.
We’ve got the Jimmy Stewart figure, standing alone against great odds. We’ve got dissension in the Democratic caucus. We’ve got craven politicians. We’ve got bags of corporate cash.
In short, we’ve got a rich, compelling narrative, filled with drama, human failings, and high principle.
And if all that’s not enough, Dodd’s from the Time’s circulation catchment: Connecticut. What, the locals aren’t interested in their Senator?
The locals are indeed interested in this extraordinary story that exhibits the courage and leadership that is a part of Presidential candidate Christopher Dodd. Being one state and one express train over from his state, I would love to read about what Dodd is doing in the Senate. Of course like a lot of my news, I need to read it from other blogs such as this one in order to get the news.
Earth to the NY Times, get on the boat people!