Tuesday, October 30, 2007

You Call This A Debate?

First of all, shame on MSNBC for this pathetic format. Lincoln and Douglas would roll over in their graves if they knew what the media calls "debate" these days. Seriously, why is there a lightening round? What's next, starting a show called "Who wants to be our next President Idol"?
And of course Hillary was placed in the middle with Edwards and Obama at her side. I'd rather see Dodd or Kucinich placed in that center spot...and where the hell is Gravel, if he wants to make a fool of himself on Primetime then let him.

Basically these two hours of my life spent watching this debate theater was nothing more than getting some amusement. I particularly liked Joe Biden's highlight about Giuliani:

Biden: Rudy Giuliani is probably the most underqualified person since George Bush to run for president. He can only say 3 things in a sentence: a noun, a verb, and 9/11. "This man is truly not qualified to be president. I'm looking forward to running against Rudy Giuliani."

Hell yeah! Thats the spirit I want to hear in all of seven of these people. I don't know who won this thing, but I must say that Richardson completely blew it. Mr. "We need a diplomat and I am a you-know-what" should bow out quickly and look to run for Senate next year. We need a strong candidate in New Mexico for that open race and he'd be perfect for that.

One candidate I did like was Kucinich. I know he doesn't have a shot in hell at winning (though at least he wasn't placed all the way on the side by MSNBC) but he has the money answers. Not-for-profit health care, consistent stand against the war in Iraq and pointing out that it was all about oil are exactly the things they all should be saying. I still have a problem with his anti-choice record, but you can't always get everything you want in a candidate. Still, he doesn't have a shot in hell.

So what dramatic change will happen in the polls and the media narrative tomorrow?

Absolutely zip, zilch, zero.