Saturday, September 29, 2007

Army Blogger Annihilates Rush The Phony

There is no one better to harp on Rush Limbaugh for his outrageous comments than an actual soldier. According to Rush, Alex Frisco is a phony soldier. Well Alex decided to proclaim his phoniness in a post that uses brilliant sarcasm. He talks about his initial rejection from the Army (like Rush got) and how he got in anyways because he wanted to serve (like Rush didn't). Well Alex has learned a thing or two since he went to Iraq for a fifteen month deployment. It turns out he now sees himself as a "phony soldier."

From Army of Dude:

As a phony civilian hoping to be a phony soldier, I tried to enlist in the military after I graduated high school in 2003. In 2002 I had a Nissen fundoplication operation to repair a hiatal hernia caused by severe acid reflux, preventing esophageal cancer later in life. I was immediately flagged on my attempt to enlist because of this surgery, as there was a chance that a physically stressful job such as Army infantry would complicate it. I had to be cleared by the surgeon general before entering the service. As the war kept on, so did I. I waited for a little over a year to get my results back: I would finally be able to join despite the surgery I had two years prior. As Rush found after dropping out of his first year of college at Southeast Missouri State University in 1969-1970, he found himself on draft status. Nothing that a claim of an old football injury or a boil on the ass can take care of, though! The medical deferment he was referring to was a pilonidal cyst, which apparently is a clump of severely ingrown hairs. That barred him from enlistment, and I'm sure he was ecstatic. After all, there was a war on. Here's a first hand account of the surgery that was done to correct it. She claims that in eight weeks, it was perfectly healed. Rush is willing to sacrifice the lives of Americans in Iraq but not his own ass (literally) in a simple surgery. I waited a year to get in, and he didn't try. Boy, do I really give an effort at being a phony soldier!

There are plenty of examples of "phoniness" that Alex found in Iraq. Read his post and see for yourself. If this doesn't convince everyone of the idiocy that Rush encompasses, I don't know what is going to save you from your delusions.