The mind of a rightwing blogger must be a scary place. In a head full of hate and fear, these people will do anything to villify and discredit the left. Their latest target was Michael Moore and his new film SiCKO. They were in agony after he highlighted our crazy gun culture in Bowling for Columbine. We know they hate him for calling out the President in Fahrenheit 9/11. Now bringing our health care crisis into the national spotlight has them hopping mad and they would even go as far as tying him to the amateur terrorists in London over the last few days.
From RawStory:
One writer, Mark Steyn, who contributes to the National Review Online's Corner blog, posted an e-mail he received in order to identify the connection between Moore's Sicko and the British terrorists.
"'Would these be Doctors who work for the U.K. health care system so lavishly praised by Michael Moore? ...Perhaps they are not Jihadists at all but simply men driven insane by their employer? Maybe Michael Moore has spawned an entirely new breed of suicide bomber — the alienated UK health care worker'" Steyn quotes from one e-mail, after noting "I've been getting more than a few letters along these lines."
He also posted a second e-mail, and observed, "Now that Dr Mohammed Asha has been arrested in the Glasgow/London terrorist investigation, several readers have noticed that this artfully combines Michael Moore's two most recent enthusiasms, 'insurgents' and socialized health care." Steyn, however adds, "Mr Moore has yet to call these medico-jihadists 'Minutemen.'"
So because he was a doctor, does that mean we should watch out for all doctors, or just Islamic doctors? We found out Congressman Mark Foley is a pedophile, does that mean all members of Congress should be kept away from our children? I could go on and on with the ridiculous comparisons, but the point is made that connecting Moore to the bombings in the U.K. is a pathetic attempt to smear the filmmaker.