Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Cheney Was Afraid Of Leahy's Gay Cooties

The mystery of Cheney's "Go Phuck Yourself" episode with Senator Leahy has finally been solved. Dick voiced his concerns about what happened that day, saying that Leahy was moving too close to him in the Senate chamber. I almost feel like this is a story worthy of The Onion, but alas, we are talking about Dick Cheney. But the question must be asked, is he even telling the truth?

From ThinkProgress:

In the new biography of the Vice President by Stephen Hayes, Cheney claims that the reason he shouted the expletive was because Leahy had been too “close” to him:

Leahy came over and put his arm around me. And he didn’t kiss me but it was close to it. So I flashed and I told him — I dropped the F-bomb on him. … It was heartfelt.

Leahy was not “close” to kissing Cheney; all he did was try to shake his hand. One congressional source with knowledge of the event explained what happened to ThinkProgress:

There were several witnesses from both parties. Leahy walked over in a friendly way and said the Vice President should feel free to come over on the other side of the aisle too, that Democrats won’t bite, and he held out his hand. The Vice President started to stick out his hand in response and then drew it back, and that’s when he unloaded his expletive.

Hmmm. Who would you believe? A distrustful and sinister Vice-President or independent bystanders, thats a tough one. I'd believe a car salesman before I would ever trust Dick Cheney.