Saturday, June 30, 2007

Budh Visits Rhode Island, Shocks The World With His Mouth

If you lost count on how many times George Bush has been to Texas, you're not alone. But if you are into keeping records on his visits to the other 49 states, you'd know that Rhode Island among othe states haven't even seen The Decider, until now. Even if you blink and miss the state while driving up or down the I-95, it is still no excuse for the President to not visit all of the states in the union. To his credit though, it isn't like anyone wants to hear the garbage that comes out his mouth anyways. Too bad the students at the Naval War College had to endure it two days ago. So did the entire world evidently.

From The International Heral Tribune:

NEWPORT, Rhode Island: President George W. Bush held up Israel as a model for defining success in Iraq, saying Thursday that the goal of the U.S. mission in the war-ravaged Arab nation is not eliminating attacks but enabling a democracy that can function despite continuing violence.

With his Iraq policies under increasing fire from the American public and lawmakers from both parties, Bush went to the U.S. Naval War College here to declare progress. As he pleaded for patience, his top national security aide went to Capitol Hill to meet with Republican critics.

I love Israel, but this is about geopolitics, not my own personal opinion. To tell Muslim nations that we want to turn Iraq into the new Israel is a bad idea. Let me rephrase that. Modeling Israel for Iraq is an insanely idiotic thing to say. If anyone knows even a spec about the Middle East and the nations within the region, you would not mention Israel as a goal to adhere to. If they don't hate us enough over there, the vehemence is about to be spiked up to another degree for Bush's complete and total ignorance.