Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Terrorists In Your Living Room

We usually think of terrorists as those that want to create terror through their actions. Although the word is usually applied to rogue groups such as Al-Qaeda, the I.R.A. and Hezbollah, nation-states can also be terrorizing when they shock and awe cities with their warplanes and missiles. In Alabama, if you have a cause you are fighting for you might be a terrorist. From abortion opponents to gay rights activists, these groups are being tracked by the Alabama Department of Homeland Security.

From The Washington Post:

The site included the groups under a description of what it called "single-issue" terrorists. That group includes people who feel they are trying to create a better world, the Web site said. It said that in some communities, law enforcement officers consider certain single issue groups to be a threat.

"Single-issue extremists often focus on issues that are important to all of us. However, they have no problem crossing the line between legal protest and ... illegal acts, to include even murder, to succeed in their goals," it read.

Walker said the site had been up since spring 2004, and had gotten a relatively small number of hits until it recently became the subject of blogs, he said.

Birmingham attorney Eric Johnston, president of the Alabama Pro Life Coalition, said he was concerned about any list that described people doing social justice work as terrorists.

The website that displayed this information is now down, but who knows if it still exists on their intra-website. Like the NYPD who tracked GOP Convention protesters, this is another example of state security that borders on the obscene.

What will the government do with information on people that want a clean environment or equality the GLBT community? Will the Bush Administration set up a group of Brownshirts and SS guards next to combat these people that like to practice the First Amendment? Toss them in jail and throw away the key to prevent them from speaking truth?