Tuesday, February 13, 2007

An Alcoholic Liar

Pretty harsh words from terrorist Ayman al-Zawahiri yesterday were lobbed at George W. Will we see any response, probably not. The usually calm yet destructive al-Zawahiri lashed out at America via a 40 minute audio tape that bashed Democrats, Republicans and whomever allowed George Bush to wreak chaos in the Middle East.

From The ABC Blotter:

The tape, apparently aimed at an American audience, contains English subtitles and a warning that American civilians are responsible for Bush policies because they "chose Bush twice."

The personal, intemperate attack on Bush was remarkable for the emotion and venom from the usually stoic Zawahiri.

"I don't know his present condition — Americans know best about that, as they are experts in alcohol and addiction to it — but the one who exams his personality finds that he is addicted to two other faults, lying and gambling," Zawahiri said. "He has gone down in history as one of its most notorious liars," he added.

Well I am certainly not with this maniac, though his words do have some truth to it. Liar? Check. Gambler (with our young soldiers lives and the economy)? Check. Alcoholic? Ask Laura.