I know Glenn Beck is a Grade-A schmuck, we all know this, even he probably knows it. Yet each time he opens that garbage-hole that is his mouth, each saying is still as offensive as every other audacious comment that he spews onto television screens that have CNN Headline News on. So what's the big deal about mentioning Oreo cookies? It's not the cookies he's talking about my friends.
CNN Transcript:
What happened to the Duke lacrosse team was practically a lynching without the rope. And for the first time in my life, Mr. Oreo Cookie without the chocolate on the outside can understand why people celebrated when O.J. Simpson was acquitted.....
Here's what I don't know. Will the leaders who rallied the troops against the Duke lacrosse team now take a stand and say lynching is bad, no matter what the color?......Memo to Glenn, making racially charged comments like that is not funny. Maybe he does too many shows at the local KKK meetings or David Duke parties. Also, lynchings are not the same as examining rape cases Glennie boy and referencing the racial slur 'Oreo cookie' is completely unacceptable. Beck is absolutely disgusting and the networks (CNN and ABC) that carry him should be ashamed of themselves. My Two Sense reminds us what a lynching actually is.
BECK: You know, I am -- maybe it's just me. I just see this as a lynching. I mean, it really was a lynching without the -- without the rope. How often does that stuff happen?