Tuesday, March 24, 2009

At Least Some Rich NYers Realize They Need To Be Taxed More

Dysfunction in Albany is at an all-time high, with dissension growing in the ranks along with a weak-kneed governor coupled with the capitol's byzantine system of keeping citizens in the dark about what is going on. The budget is far from getting done and April 1st is approaching fast. So that is why we are pushing so hard to get a fair share tax on the books that makes the state income tax based on a progressive pay scale and not just a simple 6.85% for those that make more than $25,000.

Now Bloomberg, as the richest New Yorker out there, has taken it upon himself to defend his wealthy class. However, he is only one of an elite class in this state that is made up of tens of thousands, and many of them have a different idea about taxation than Mayor Bloomberg.

From The Times-Union:

ALBANY — Although "please tax me more" is a sentiment that's rarely heard — especially in this state — more than 80 well-to-do New Yorkers are asking political leaders to boost the state income tax on the wealthy.[...]

The letter was organized by a consortium of groups, including Responsible Wealth, New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness and the Fiscal Policy Institute.

The signatories include New York residents as well as those who live outside New York but pay in-state income tax.

Bloomberg would ask these people, why do you not love yourself? Well, it seems at least for these eighty signatories, they see life through a less myopic lens:

Released as the Legislature is weighing a range of proposals to do just that, a new open letter to Gov. David Paterson and legislators asks that any budget cuts to programs affecting education, health care and the poor be ameliorated by "an increase in income taxes on those who can afford it — which means us."[...]

"I've been pretty lucky, and I've always felt that a disproportionate share of the tax burden falls on lower-income people," said Chet Opalka of Averill Park, who put his name on the letter.

The well-known philanthropist and founder of Albany Molecular Research said that government tends to "cut in all the wrong places" — from the arts to education — and that he's equally committed to tightening up government spending.

So Governor Paterson, Majority Leader Smith, stop listening to Michael Bloomberg and similarily-sounding lobbyists that circle the capitol and realize there is more to budgeting than sparing the rich. If these wealthy signatories can see the problem in not encouraging the growth of the bottom 95% of society, then so should you.